August 22, 2024

AMX Consulting enhances IT efficiency by 80% with deeploi

How AMX Consulting leverages deeploi to streamline IT management.

Written by
Madeleine Ralph


  • AMX Consulting is a leading provider of consulting services for Smartsheet and Miro.
  • The company previously faced challenges in managing IT tasks, leading to inefficiencies and concerns over security.
  • With the adoption of deeploi, AMX Consulting reduced IT management time by 80%, accelerated onboarding and offboarding processes, and gained peace of mind through expert IT support.

The AMX Consulting experience before deeploi

Like many companies, IT management became a time-consuming and stressful task that detracted AMX Consulting from their core mission: delivering top-notch advice in project management tools.

“We don’t have a dedicated IT department,” explains Sebastian Paasch, CEO at AMX Consulting. With a team made primarily of solutions consultants, any IT issues they faced were hard to resolve and were taking up more time than necessary.

The manual process of onboarding and offboarding employees was also time-consuming: “every new hire meant hours spent on IT setup,” says Sebastian. Offboarding was an error-prone headache that led to concerns regarding data security.

AMX Consulting’s IT transformation with deeploi

Recognising the need for a change, AMX Consulting turned to deeploi for a comprehensive IT management solution. “Since adopting deeploi, we’ve cut down the time spent on IT tasks by about 80%,” reports Sebastian. “This has freed up our team to focus on what we do best.”

Onboarding and offboarding processes have also been significantly improved. “With deeploi, everything is much faster and more secure. We no longer worry about whether accounts are properly set up or if data has been securely transferred during offboarding.”

Another benefit for AMX Consulting has been the peace of mind that comes with knowing they have expert IT support at their fingertips. “It’s great to know that if something does happen, we have experts ready to jump in and resolve the issue quickly.”  

A secure future for AMX Consulting

The combination of time savings, enhanced security, and reliable support has not only improved operational efficiency but also allowed the company to maintain its commitment to client service.

“With deeploi, we no longer worry about IT. We can put our energy into delivering the best possible outcomes for our clients, knowing that our IT needs are in expert hands.”

About AMX Consulting

AMX Consulting is a global leader in digital transformation and project management solutions, specialising in the implementation and optimisation of Smartsheet and Miro. As a trusted partner for these platforms, AMX Consulting empowers organisations worldwide to streamline their workflows, enhance collaboration, and drive innovation.

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